USE these 3 simple steps to increase your post likes.
Creating a feed that attracts followers isn’t that complicated. You can easily create a feed and post content that guarantees an increase in the number of likes. You don’t have to have a professional camera or resort to buying likes (please don’t do this).
Here are three easy tips to help you create content that will be seen by more viewers and create a scroll-stopping impression resulting in another like.
Step 1
Tell a story (visually). Since Instagram is primarily a visual platform, your audience will get their first impression from your feed and the content that you post. You don’t need to be a pro to create great images. Use good lighting or natural lighting. Natural lighting is the best kind of lighting for creating realistic looking images. If you are posting selfies, try shooting on an overcast day to avoid harsh shadows formed by sunlight. If you are indoors, try shooting facing a large well lit window. The natural light will help defuse shadows on your face.

You want to be sure to have high quality images. Avoid posting grainy, blurry, or distorted images. Edit images that are over or under exposed to bring back details. Dark or poorly-lit images look bad on Instagram and are not visually appealing.
Composition tips:Use rule of thirds. Most cell phone cameras have this grid feature.

Zoom into see details, show depth,(foreground, background separation). Take pictures from different angles. Play around with images and choose the best version. Use filters to bring out details, contrast, or colors.
Step 2
Use #’s. Any post, story, or account that includes hashtags makes the content more discoverable. In order to attract new followers you will want to have a good hashtag strategy. Using them will help increase the number of followers, likes, and overall engagement on your account. If you are not using hashtags your content is basically just being seen by your current followers.
If you are stumped for ideas for creating your hashtags sets, try picking out keywords in your captions (assuming that you posted one). There are many websites that can help you start your search for hashtags sets. A great one to help you generate ideas is It’s quick, free, and easy to use.
Step 3
Post at the ideal time. If you have a business account, you can use the insights in Instagram to see when your audience is most active. You should be posting your content at the time when they are most likely to see it. If your audience is most active from 9AM to 3PM, it wouldn’t make sense to post at 11PM when they probably will not see it.
If you are looking to plan out your content and get more insight data try using the data available through Squarelovin.
Use their analytics to tell you when is the best time to post, best filters to use, and more.
Free hashtag sets:
You can include up to 30 hashtags on a regular post, and up to 10 hashtags on a Story. You can also include hashtags in your bio. The hashtags in your bio are clickable so your feed will show up in that hashtags post feed. I’m throwing in 3 bonus sets that you can use to begin your list. Please feel free to use these if they fit your particular niche and content.
Fitness/health | Goal setting/confidence | Business/personalbrand |
#nutritional #workoutinspiration #weightlossresults #weightlossprogram #healthtips #weightlosssuccess #nutritioncoach #brandyourdreamlife #personaltrainers |
#thisismyyear #believeinyou #liveinspired #livelifehappy #crushinggoals #selfcarefirst #itcanbedone #knowyourvalue #confidenceiskey |
#beingboss #savvybusinessowner #femaleentrepreneurs #solopreneur #womenwhohustle #growyourbusiness #changeyourlife #fitnessbusiness #believeinyourself |
If you found the information in this post helpful and want to learn more be sure to sign up for a free training course that teaches you 5 FREE hashtag strategies to gain more followers on Instagram.
Rosa I Evans is a brand and social media consultant. Rosa works with your brand to create clear brand messages through visual and written communication that creates strong brand connections between the customer or target audience and your brand that lead to business growth and stronger market positioning. Follow Rosa on Instagram @rosaievans.
Join her free FB community for the driven female entrepreneur for support, tips, information to help move your business forward.
Are you feeling frustrated with your business growth or lack thereof? Do you wish that you had a larger reach and a better strategy to carve out your brand’s uniqueness? If you answered yes, then you could benefit from some of Rosa I Evan’s brand and social media services.